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Hello Divine Soul,
I do not believe in coincidences.
I know in my heart that if you happened to come across my website and you are reading this message then the universe has brought you here for a reason.
There is a divine compass within each one of us that is pointing us towards our highest path and I believe along this journey of self-discovery that there are many people who are here to guide us to where it is that we need to go. If you feel I may be one of those people for you, who can offer you a loving and supportive space for you to grow, then I invite you to schedule a discovery call with me and we can see how I may be of service.
I believe that when we connect with our hearts and choose to release all that is no longer serving us we can begin to peel back the layers of programming and conditioning within ourselves that never really were us to begin with. I believe that our hearts hold all of the answers, as everything we need is inside of us, and it is through love that we create Heaven on Earth. It is through opening our hearts fully that we can transform as pure love has the ability to heal all and bring us back home to who we truly are.
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I very much look forward to connecting.
With Love and Grace,
Jessica Rosalie
The Rainbow Goddess