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Akashic Dolphin & Whale Healing

Choose 3 Session Pack to save $222

  • 1 hour
  • 222 Canadian dollars
  • Online - Zoom

Service Description

The whales and dolphins are here to remind us of what true happiness and joy feels like. They want to assist humanity in breaking free of the patterns and programs that are keeping us held in a loop of unhappiness and despair. They want to remind you all that it is our birthright to be happy and free, to live a life from our heart, and to experience true bliss, connection, and enjoyment each and every day. The dolphins and whales have been holding this frequency alive for us for eons of time. They made a promise to humanity that one day they would connect with the hearts of those who agreed to go first and awaken the dream that we once had in the Golden Age of Lemuria when we lived from our hearts, when we were free from suffering, and we lived in oneness with all of life - true unity consciousness. Now these brilliant aquatic celestial beings can feel our suffering and pain, they feel our collective sadness, they see the way we are disconnected from the truth of our being, our soul essence, and they are here to help. They want you to call on them for support so that you can truly live a life that is more in alignment with your heart and soul. They have made it their mission to help us to remember.  These incredible beings have come to me now and have offered their guidance. They are delighted to be of service and truly want to see our family free, happy, and living a life of bliss and joy. It is imperative that we awaken to the truth, to rise above the limitations of the 3D world and ways of being and return home to our sacred hearts. I have been guided to offer Akashic Whale and Dolphin Healing Sessions where I will take you into the Akashic Records and we will call forward these divine celestial beings who were here with us in the Golden Ages of Lemuria.  ✨🐬What You Can Expect..🐬✨ 🫧 Receive an aquatic sound bath, attunement and energetic healing to support your emotional, mental, physical and spiritual body in releasing blocks, programs, beliefs, and patterns that have been keeping you trapped in cycles of pain and suffering. 🫧 Receive codes, downloads, and information from your own personal lifetimes that will activate the conscious awakening of how you can align your life to the highest vibration of joy, love, happiness, soul fulfillment.  🫧 Access to information, past and present life memories, healing, and codes held within your own personal Akashic Records that will support you now.  ˚✧₊⁎🐋⁎⁺˳✧༚ ⋆。𖦹 °🐋⋆。˚♡ With love and grace.

Cancellation Policy

To cancel or reschedule, please contact us at least 24 hours in advanced.

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