Today I trust my path.
Today I release all attachments.
Today I surrender knowing that all is unfolding perfectly as I have set the highest intentions and outcomes for myself.
Today I am exactly where I need to be.
Today I will be kinder to myself.
Today I will be more loving and compassionate towards myself and my journey.
Today I honour my emotions.
Today I honour my processes and I choose to honour myself as a higher consciousness in physical form.
Today I remind myself that I am enough.
Today I become present within myself.
Today I become present in each moment and I call back all of my energy to the now.
Today I remember that I am a powerful creator and a being of pure unconditional love.
Today I choose to be of the highest service to myself and to all those who I connect with.
Today I remember that I am doing the best that I can. My best is enough.
Today I love myself deeply for all that I have been through and for all that is occurring is my life.
Today I choose to open my heart, even when I am sad.
Today I choose to open my heart, even when I am lonely.
Today I choose to open my heart, even when I am hurt.
Today I choose to open my heart and feel any emotions that are coming up for me as all is meant to be felt, honoured, and appreciated.
Today I trust myself.
Today I am strong.
Today I am gentle.
Today I am a warrior.
Today I am nurturing.
Today I am fierce.
Today I am loving.
Today I am passionate.
Today I am joyful.
Today I am silly.
Today I am me.
Today I honour the light and love inside of you as it is a reflection of the light and love inside of me.
I am you.
You are me
We are we.
One heart.
One love.
One light.
One Earth.
We are light.
We are love.
We are New Earth. ♥️
Today I honour and send love to each and every one of my beautiful family here on Earth, all the Starseeds and all the Lightworkers, I love you.